flavors of lapland

Winter Nordic flavors

Winter Nordic flavors

Winter Nordic flavors are well suited for the freezing winters, that can last at times for about six months, meaning that the temperatures during the day dip or stay below -10′ Celsius, therefore an excellent time to prepare body warming foods that are healthy and have those unique Nordic flavors.  Here are some fun canapes ideas that have the right tasting ingredients that are also used traditionally for serving main size meals at dinner/lunch table.

Winter Nordic flavors in herring and potatoes

Boiled potatoes, cured herrings, and an egg topper, very simple to prepare, they are also rich with flavors.  Herrings can be quickly prepared or purchased from a grocery store in a jar, ready-made. With readily cured herrings it should only take approx 45 min to prepare and ready to serve canapes for 4-6 people.

  1. Boil the potatoes with skin on for approx 20min, boil the eggs in hot water for 9 min,  dunk the boiled eggs in cold water, for  5 min, then peel.
  2. Remove the herrings from a curing liquid and cut into nice portions, approx the same size as the potato portions.
  3. Remove potatoes from the simmering water (after 20 min), allow to cool a bit, then peel and slice into canape size medallions.
  4. Place the potato portions on a plate, top with the herring.  The egg portions may be placed on top of the potato/herring or combined with either of the two as a different taste combination required.
  5. Season according to taste, along with the cured herring flavors.

Serving Winter Nordic flavors canape style

Winter Nordic flavors and ingredients served canape style can be a natural process, it does not have to be complicated.  Ideally, natural ingredients that have delicious Nordic flavors and are an exciting combination of color, texture, shape and easy ingredients to work.  Canapes can be decorated using a herb garnish or a sauce or cracking some pepper on top for extra zing.

Nordic flavors

Nordic style canapes for an appetizer

Winter Nordic flavors are an essential part of the Nordic regional cuisine experience, a smorgasbord table of the Natural wild flavors of the Nordic cuisine focus, enjoy.

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