US 2020 Election Fraud

Anomalies in the 2020 United States Election Vote Numbers

According to unofficial outlets Joe Biden got 80 million votes.

If the vote numbers are legitimate, then Biden got more votes than the Obama landslide victory in 2008. And Hillary Clinton votes in 2016.

2008 Obama 69 million votes.

2016 Clinton 65 million votes.

Media outlets have reported that Trump got 74 million votes, if true, then he got more than 10 million votes in 2020, than in 2016.

According to the current numbers Trump got the most votes in USA history for a sitting President.

26% votes from minority voters. That is one of the highest percentages for a Republican President candidate.

94 % of the primary votes.

18 million people turned out for the primary.

Previous record was Bill Clinton, at 9 million.

There are many vote number anomalies in the 2020 US election. They will be sorted out in the State and federal courts.